Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not A Dry Eye In The House

UPDATE: For some reason these videos were not available for a time; apparently their URLs changed. But they're back and good to go now. Watch. Do it.

Someone caught Emma's performance of "Voices in the Sky" and posted it on Youtube. A couple of times they pan the camera over to Justin. I believe the person with the video camera was leaning against the post just across the table from where I was sitting. When it was over, Justin said, "I hope somebody got that!" Indeed they did.

Watch this. You will not regret it. Do it now.

After Emma was finished and left the stage, Justin and Norda did "Nights in White Satin" for their closing number. Amazing. After 40+ years of performing that song, he still gives it his all.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Astounding. To see an 8-year-old perform a song written so long ago by our hero, Justin, in front of Justin, just brings tears to my eyes. But even more amazing, after this odyssey of one of the most remarkable Moodies trips I've ever heard about, was that "Cranky" still managed to rent the car and go out and see those wildflowers before she left to come home. The most truly awesome person here is Carolyn! Thank you so much for sharing so much with all of us!

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