Today's letters to the editor page includes one from a woefully-uneducated pinhead. He suggests that George W. Bush should do the "right thing" and just leave office right now, and don't make Obama wait another 2 months and change to take office. We're done with Bush, and our anointed messiah needs to get busy and lead us all into hopeandchange right this minute, if not before. Or words to that effect.
Umm... we have this thing we call the United States Constitution.
If President Bush left office in any fashion at all before January 20, Vice President Dick (gasp) Cheney would become president--and would appoint a new vice-president to fill out the term. So there's no way Obama could legally step into the office before the constitutionally-appointed time.
Go read the thing. It's actually pretty short; won't take you that long.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Read The Constitution. Please.
Posted by CrankyBeach at 8:16 AM | 0 comments
Category: Political Shenanigans
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Points For Creativity, Anyway...
I'm sure he's not the first guy to try this approach with his cardboard sign on the corner, but he was the first one I saw, and he made me laugh. His sign said:
WIFE HAD BETTER LAWYERNo, I didn't get a picture. Didn't have the camera with me; and besides, the light was green, so I was moving.
Posted by CrankyBeach at 12:51 PM | 1 comments
Category: Whatever
Monday, November 10, 2008
My First Bonus!
Just an off-hand remark on a medical transcription message board, and thereby I have "referred" a new employee to my new job. And I am eligible for a referral bonus. Of course, there are restrictions, as in, I don't actually get the bonus until they are quite, quite certain the new employee is actually going to work out... but hey, not bad for my first month on the job, eh?
Posted by CrankyBeach at 3:27 AM | 0 comments
Category: Workplace Shenanigans
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Over-Reaching According To Whom?
Various TV pundits more or less pooh-poohed the idea of a Republican revolution in 2010, a la 1994, after Clinton was first elected. These pundits explain that Clinton "over-reached" in his first 2 years, tried to change too many things too quickly, and the people, the great unwashed, rebelled. They suggest that Obama is smart enough to learn from this; and thus, no one should count their Republican revolution in 2010 before it is hatched.
This got me wondering. The evidence points overwhelmingly to Obama being so far to the left, any hopechanges he might attempt could look perfectly reasonable and centrist to him and his minions; but those of us who lean anywhere in the center-right spectrum could still find that he is over-reaching.
Make sense?
Posted by CrankyBeach at 1:28 AM | 3 comments
Category: Political Shenanigans
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Who Are These People Anyway?
The ones who have spent ALL FREAKING DAY down on the corner, bouncing up and down with 4 x 8 foot Obama/Biden signs, chanting and shouting? (With, alas, many honking horns from the passing traffic?)
Don't they have JOBS? Or school to go to?
Oh, nevermind. My bad. They must be those folks Obama is going to give my 401k to after he confiscates it. You know, the ones who won't have to worry about paying their mortgage or putting gas in their car, 'cause they helped him get elected, you know.
In other news... in 45 minutes or so I will go pick up the pizza and head over to Ith's, where we will either celebrate or cry in our beer. And then we will get up and go to work tomorrow morning, as usual, because SOMEBODY has to work and pay the taxes to support those corner-warmers.
Posted by CrankyBeach at 8:50 AM | 2 comments
Category: Elections