Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let's Stuff This Ballot Box!

PBS is running a poll. Very simple question: Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to be VP of the United States, yes or no?

When I voted, it was running about 60 percent no, 40 percent yes.

You know what to do.

(I have discovered that you can vote more than once.)

Hat tip: Wizbang


Anonymous said...

Did they run the same poll about the Democratic nominee for president?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know whether to go "Chicago-style" with my multiple voting, or more "Louisiana-style". I opted for Chicago. It is at 52% pro-Hotness. (My friends and I call her "Her Hotness".)

Anonymous said...

Vote early, vote often, eh? Was this poll run out of Chicago? Perhaps ACORN is in on it;-)

Anonymous said...

Now at 49% to 49% Wow!

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