If I have it correctly, shortly after the first of the year, my blog-mom extraordinaire Ith will be reorganizing things a bit around here... and my blog will be moving to a new home.
When I've had the occasional moment to breathe, I've done some work on creating the new site, and figuring out how I'm going to transfer the blog over to it. Apparently, I will be able to transfer all the old blog entries, but the comments will not come along for the ride.
As soon as I am ready to make the transfer and go live with the new blog, I will post an announcement here; and Ith will shortly thereafter blow away this site and post a redirect message. But never fear; you will be able to find me after the move. Trust me on that. Honestly. Really.
But if for some reason you anticipate not being able to find me... just be sure and jot down my e-mail address (that would be crankybeach at yahoo dot com) and drop me a line. Put something like "I can't find your new blog!" in the subject line so I'll be sure to notice it and not flush it down the spam filter.
Edited to add: Yes, I intend to update the blogroll and get rid of all the obsolete entries... but Blogrolling has been futzed up for a couple of months now, and until they get back online, there is no way to edit the blogroll without blowing it away and manually recoding it; and I axe ya, in just what copious spare time am I supposed to do THAT??
8 years ago
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