Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Small Town, Be Careful.

Fortunately, I hadn't dished enough details to identify the guilty, or named any names, on the theory of not gossiping.

Good thing, because I just found out by Googling for another reason entirely that a new acquaintance of mine knows somebody who knows somebody who . . . well. That's all I'm going to stay.

Just remember, when you live in a small town, that six degrees of separation is a vast overstatement. Thus, be very careful what you say.

Words to the wise.


Jeff D said...

That's because only 150 people live here! At least that is how it seems...

Seriously, I suspect that just about any person you encounter here will know somebody you know. It is amazing!

Your mom was right. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. I've found that out the hard way!

Unknown said...

You guys don't live in a small town. Where I live...we got a traffic light and it is BIG NEWS. Except for the transient Marines and Sailors, this place is very Peyton Place. It is said that if you are on a jury without a McGrorty , an Amorose, or a Candelaria you must be in another county. If either of you ever visit, there'd be news in the Local Rag...Desert Trail q.v.

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