Has our gubbermint gone mad?
Unless I am gravely mistaken, in any other era and just about any other country, this Wikileaks mess would be considered treason, punishable by death.
But in the United States of Wussies, in the year of Obama 2010? Not so much.
Please, PLEASE tell me somebody else finds this as seriously disturbing as I do!
And why, in the name of all that's holy, has the government not slapped about a hundred restraining orders on Wikileaks, or a cease-and-desist order, or something, ANYTHING to shut them down and stop them from spilling stolen national secrets!
Oh. My bad. This is the US Gubbermint circa 2010 we're talking about. They're running around like headless chickens warning everybody about how stupid the US Gubbermint is going to look and how embarrassed the administration will be when the information hits. Oh, and it's going to endanger countless lives too.
Two wrongs don't make a right, and I don't condone illegal activity, but let's just say I wouldn't be terribly upset if someone took the law into their own hands and put Wikileaks out of business, at least for a while.
8 years ago
Yes, we do.
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