Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just For Perspective...

... this satellite view shows where I live in relation to the recent mountain lion sightings. I left in the yardage marker so you can see how relatively close it is:

One of my walking routes took me right past the park--and often into it, if I needed a drink of water.

For you locals... the mall is in the lower right corner, with the freeway running past it.


Anonymous said...

I hate to make you more scared...but even if there are Mt lions around, you usually don't see them.
And there seems to be a nice amount of cover in your area-- are there any abandoned buildings you know of? Cave-ish areas? Some place the cat might be sleeping.... if you can guess that, you might be able to guess where it's more likely to be.
Please be safe.

Anonymous said...

Stay away from playgrounds and dumpsters...back of restaurants and grocery stores. Carry a large steak with you. C"MON!!!! The SPCA and Sheriff should have the cat by now.
It's snakes I'd worry about were I you.
And rats
and spiders
big spiders
with hairy legs and fangs

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