[Guest post by Eclectra]
Warning: the following post is pensive, so exit now if desire is to maintain Republican elation.
Still here? Then let me say, a sense of urgency dogs me–do you, too,
have the feeling that we should take “four more years” as a personal
rallying cry and work hard for God and country in that window?
The great onslaughts at present concern dehumanization. Through
scientific and social engineering–cloning, euthanasia, abortion,
embryonic cutting and pasting, the unraveling of marriage and family,
the abolition of sex and sexuality as meaningful concepts, the tempting
of us masses to irrationality, hatred, and violence towards those
outside our wolf pack–the radicals (or as CS Lewis called them, the
“innovators”) swing the axe at the very root of what it means to be men,
creatures “a little lower than the angels,” uniquely dignified and made
in the image of God.
In four years, what will we have showed the folks we live and work with while we were able?
This year California, an insolvent state, voted 6 billion for junk
research to satisfy the greed and curiosity of the cloning ghouls. I
doubt many people were presented with the moral horror of conceiving
human beings and interfering with their growth so they become an eye or
mass of brain cells or spare liver instead of the whole body of a boy or
Rather, they thought they were voting that Christopher Reeve should walk.
What hubristic dupery will we be asked to ratify next time? And will
we roll our sleeves up and fight for our inalienable rights and those of
our neighbor?
Christ said, “I must work the works of Him that send Me while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”
If he had to hurry before the clock, how much more must I.
8 years ago
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