Thursday, November 4, 2004

Inside Infomation

I have friends here in California, a couple whose son works right in the White House. (They shall remain anonymous, unless they choose to out themselves in the comments here.)

Tuesday night at 10:30 California time, “Son” called, having just gotten home in Washington. “Mom” had gone to bed earlier, in the interests of keeping her eyes covered and her fingers in her ears, so to speak, because the false news reports (i.e. the alleged exit polls) were just too depressing, so “Dad” was watching the results by himself.

“Son” gave a fascinating insider account of the mood inside the White House, from depressed to giddy. The President actually canceled some planned campaign stops in Ohio, and they kept getting word that his arrival time back in Washington had been pushed back several times, getting earlier and earlier. Since it looked like Kerry was going to win with a landslide, there just didn’t seem to be any point in making those last few stops.

And then the REAL election returns started coming in. Needless to say, the mood changed!

I did not hear whether “Son” spent any of the time in the presence of the President, or whether he was just with fellow staffers.

Fun when you know people who know people in high places.


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