Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, Still Alive

More or less, anyway.

There will be pictures later, I promise... but as I write this, I am in the Amtrak departure lounge in Washington, D.C., just leaving the national writers' conference behind for another year.

This morning we went to the national zoo and the giant pandas were out for a terrific photo op. Took LOTS of pictures--but the camera and its card are buried deep in my backpack now, and I am not digging them out again, so you'll have to wait for the pictures. Don't be holding your breath either; I won't be home until Monday night, because we're riding the train from D.C. to Chicago, arriving tomorrow morning, then to Milwaukee, and I fly home from Milwaukee tomorrow evening.

Last Tuesday we did all three branches of government in one day; the White House at 7:30 a.m. (we didn't see very much of it, and the East Room is MUCH smaller than I thought), then we switched hotels, then we went to the Capitol (with a brief stop at the Library of Congress while we waited for our Capitol appointment) and lastly, the Supreme Court, where we had lunch in the basement cafeteria. We ate at the Supreme Court. Go figure.

We also managed visits to the Washington Monument, the World War II and Vietnam memorials, the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery (where we were fortunate enough to witness a changing of the guard ceremony), and the Air and Space Museum.

Yes, our feet hurt. Thank you for asking.

Oh, and somewhere in the midst of all that, we attended the annual national writers' conference.


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