I never thought I’d say this… but kudos to NBC News and CNN for exposing the lies of the New York Times and CBS.
The last time CBS tried to put one over on the Great Unwashed (that would be us) and tamper with the election, it was the Pajamadeen who exposed it, within 12 hours.
This time, one of the Alphabets blew the lid off within a similar
time frame. Professional rivalry? I dunno. But who cares? Will the CBS
talking heads try and pass it off as a bunch of pajama-clad amateur
partisans this time? I wonder…
Others among the Pajamadeen have a great deal more to say. Michelle Malkin has a good round-up of links, as usual.
UPDATE: The Bear makes an excellent point:
Another aspect of the NYT story that, logically, doesn’t hold up for me is if the explosives were looted by terrorists, why haven’t they been used yet?[emphasis mine]
You can read the rest here.
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